Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Preparation for the Garden Wedding at CDM

The bride from Southern California arrived yesterday and informed us specifically the venue for her wedding ceremony. It will be at the foot of the Japanese simulated bamboo bridge under a giant balete tree over looking the ocean and the beach house. The entourage (plus six couples of sponsors) will march from the spiral staircase of the beach house and then cross the bridge. The bride has hired a decorator and I am looking forward for the transformation of the bridge into a wedding altar. I am very excited since this is a historic event at CDM. For the last two years, we have hosted more than 50 wedding receptions at the hall, but this will be the first wedding ceremony at the resort. I hired two extra helpers to clean the creek, mowed, paint and scrubbed the bridge floor and also constructed a cement picnic table and bench in the area. The park bench will be topped with tiles and decor from our travels in US. There will be a small tent in the sorounding area to accommodate around 200 guests. I will post pictures of the wedding ceremony and reception soon.

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Philippines, Another Haiti, Soon?

Below is a recent posting by Eli Obligacion from marinduquegov.blogspot.com regarding the possibility of an earthquake in the Philippines of a magnitude of 7.0 or greater. This article is very timely because of what happened in Haiti, several days ago. Perhaps, after reading this article, you should prepare a package that in case this happens here in Marinduque,Philippines you will have drinking water and food for at least 2 days. I hope all Filipinos should be prepared for any catastrophe whether it is a typhoon, earthquake or volcanic eruptions, since the Philippines is in the Pacific Ring of Fire. Here's the article not to scare you but for your information so you can be prepared.

Philippine Segment of Pacific Ring of Fire Roaring!
Earlier Warning

In March 2006, a geology professor in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic actually warned that the said country must be prepared in the short term for a strong earthquake that could even generate a tidal wave in the country’s North and South zones. Prof. Orlando Franco affirmed serious indications “which have occurred in nature leading us to forecast a possible earthquake with fatal consequences.”

He made reference to tremors which have taken place in the country’s North region, which could be a prelude to something stronger. He then cautioned that there was a danger when a concentration of energy occurs, causing an earthquake of dangerous magnitude. (dominicantoday.com 3.14.2006)

Haiti, where an intensity 7.0 earthquake that resulted in the loss of thousands of human lives recently occured, is Dominican Republic’s next door neighbor, sharing the same island in the Western Hemisphere. Human lives lost is expected to reach 150,000 in this quake that occurred just five days ago. Among the victims were officials of the U.N. and a senior archbishop of Port-au-Prince according to a CNN report.

2006 Warning

In June of the same year (2006), Philvocs warned that an earthquake with a magnitude 7.2 on the Richter Scale “is overdue” and could hit the Philippines soon affecting at least 38 percent of all residential buildings in Metro Manila. “The last strong quake to hit us was in 1994. With time, the possibility of being hit by a strong earthquake is increasing”. 90 strong quakes had been recorded here over the last 400 years, or a statistical average of one major quake every four to five years. (manilastandardtoday.com 6.27.2006)

But no strong quake has been recorded for a decade after the 1994 quake in Mindoro that killed at least 78 people and caused panic in Gasan when hit by a minor tidal wave after the quake.

Marinduque quake

On October 20, 2006, Philvocs reported a 5.3 magnitude earthquake in Marinduque around 10:30 p.m. with tremors reaching as far as Tagaytay and Quezon City.

A second earthquake struck around 1:27 a.m. the next day with the epicenter located 35 kilometers south and 89 degrees west of Boac, Marinduque. The Lubang and Marinduque faults were identified as the sources of the earthquake. (pinoyexchange.com/forums)

Philvocs Director Renato Solidum,Jr. then reported that the Marinduque quake’s epicenter was traced to the eastern segment of the Lubang Fault located offshore between Mindoro island and Marinduque. Five major aftershocks and more than 700 minor aftershocks were recorded.

The quake caused no damage to property but sent many residents in Marinduque to panic. Solidum then said that despite the earthquake at the Lubang Fault, people should remain alert against "the big quake." He said there is no way to predict where or when the big quake will occur.

"Lubang Fault does not generate that powerful a quake. But the Philippine Fault Zone is one of the longest, and some faults had already moved, like the one in Central Luzon in 1990 and the one in Masbate in 2003," he said. (gmanews.com 10.26.06)

Series of Earthquakes in the Philippines Now

Interestingly, a series of recent earthquakes have also been monitored around the world by United States Geological Survey (USGS).

Just yesterday morning in the Philippines, a 4.8 magnitude earthquake was felt in southern Luzon at 3.53 a.m., the epicenter of which was located 30 kilometers southwest of Batangas, 35 kilometers west-northwest of Calapan, Mindoro.

A second 2.2 magnitude quake was also felt in parts of Negros Occidental in the VIsayas region. Philvocs reported that the epicenter was 26 km west of Canlaon City. The two earthquakes were of tectonic origin. (Inquirer.net (01.17.2010)

Early last Friday, another earthquake jolted some parts of Mindanao less than 72 hours after an earthquake struck off Sultan Kudarat province on Tuesday.

The Friday quake, which was traced some 32 kilometers southeast of Tagum City, was felt in areas of Davao City, General Santos City and several towns in Davao del Sur and North Cotabato. The said earthquake which struck at 8:02 a.m. quake was registered at magnitude 5.3.

One of the strongest earthquakes in the country struck on Aug. 16, 1976, when the Mindanao Fault moved violently and triggered an Intensity 7.2 quake.

That earthquake in 1976 also triggered a tsunami that flattened several areas in the Zamboanga Peninsula and Central Mindanao, which include the Cotabato provinces, Maguindanao, Sultan Kudarat and Sarangani. The 1976 quake killed between 5,000 to 8,000 people. (PDI, 01.16.2010)

The Baguio Quake

At 4:26 p.m. on July 16, 1990, a killer earthquake hit and extensively devastated the City of Baguio. As reported, the temblor measured 7.7 in the Richter scale and lasted for 45 seconds, with numerous aftershocks, the strongest being recorded on July 18, measuring 5.3 on the Richter Scale, lasting for 8 seconds.

The Philippine archipelago sits on the Pacific Ring of Fire, where continental plates collide, causing frequent seismic and volcanic activities.

Magnitude 8 Next?

Yesterday, Philvocs North Cotabato director Hermis Daquipa issued a statement that “the Mindanao Fault, which has been restive the past few months could trigger up to a magnitude 8 earthquake”. He made the statement in the wake of observations that earthquakes have become more frequent since November in parts of Mindanao. (PDI 1.17.2010)

Among these earthquakes were the Nov. 4 tremor that had a magnitude of 5.6 and struck 105 kilometers east of Davao City. On Nov. 17, two mild quakes also hit Southern Mindanao and adjacent areas. Another 5.2 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Mati, Davao Oriental, on Dec. 11.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

News from Chateau Du Mer this Week

Our first wedding reception and party was last Sunday. The young couple are from Marinduque ( bride) and Batangas ( groom). Both are OFW workers from Saudi Arabia. They exchanged their wedding vows at the Boac Cathedral at 10AM, followed by a grand reception of about 200 guests here at CDM. Everything went well and smooth until the program started, when low and behold there was a black out. Edwin my manager told the guests now to worry, as he will start our generator. Indeed in three minutes we had our own electric power and the wedding celebration was saved. Thanks to my diesel generator, the wedding celebration and party went well till the end of the afternoon.

I finally learned more about the other couple who requested a Garden Wedding and Reception at CDM for January 30. The bride is originally from Marinduque, but is now working and residing in the US. She happened to be the niece of our good friend Clemen Lardizabal Perez of Gasan and Manila. Clemen will be one of the sponsors in the wedding. The groom is also from Marinduque but is working in Manila. The groom has already visited Chateau Gardens but the bride just recently arrived from the US and will visit the wedding venue next week. Indeed, we are really excited about this garden wedding, since this will be the first time we will have a Garden Wedding Ceremony at CDM.

Our third wedding reception contract for this month will be on January 24. Both bride and groom are locals.

So far we have no activity for the month of February, but we have three wedding receptions scheduled already for March. I did received several inquiries for availability of the BEACH HOUSE from honeymooners in England and US for next month, however. I am glad that our 2010 year start with three activities for the Hall. It looks like CDM will have a Prosperous 2010 if this trend continues. Cheers to All!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Bad and Good News for 2010

First, the good news. My oldest son (Dodie) first book, The Cloyne Court has now been published. It is available at Amazon and Noble and Barnes. It is full price at Amazon and at discounted at Noble and Barnes. for details visit, www.threecloverpress.com

For the bad news, my 42 year old son-in-law was just recently diagnosed with colon cancer, stage IV. Macrine and I felt sad and helpless since we are here in Marinduque. We can not even help in the babysitting of Carenna. My son-in-law is now at home to regain strenght after his surgery. We know stage IV is serious, but we still believe in the Healing powers of Prayers. So, if you are reading this post, please include my son-in-law and his family in your prayers. There are several cases of Stage IV cancer that has been cured through Prayers and Chemotherapy.

Again to all my on-line friends, I wish you all a Prosperous and Healthy 2010.