Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Improving on line Image of "Filipina"

If you search for "filipina" in googles, yahoo or scour search engines, majority of the "Hits" will be about mail order brides, sexy dates and dating filipino or asian women etc..
Today, it is not as bad compared to about 5 years ago. Thanks to the campaign of a few of our educated women in the Philippines(, the filipino women on line image is improving. However, there is still room for improvement. Please help! Visit the website above for specific instruction. As a blogger and website owner( and ( , I am doing my share to this campaign.


  1. I appreciate your commentary on this subject. It reminds me that I worked with a few Philipine women at an international restaurant chain, and they were intelligent, strong, balanced people. They were always delightful and added a lot to the meetings we held for international franchisees.

  2. Paul, thanks for your positive feed back. As a filipino-american with two daughters and three granddaughters, I will try my best to improve the on line image of filipino women.
