Saturday, July 25, 2009

Music Appreciation - Grofe's Grand Canyon Suite

The first composition that our music teacher introduced in our music appreciation class about 25 years ago was Ferde Grofe, The Grand Canyon Suite, Part III- On the Trail. This was not too hard to appreciate compared to other classics by Chopin, Schubert or Bach. I will consider this music more on the modern type than the standard old classic of Brahms or Ravel. Recently, I was browsing on You Tube for music for relaxation and I found this video of The Grand Canyon and the music by Grofe. This reminded me of my music appreciation class, a long time ago. If you read my recent posting in one of my blogs, I indicated that the Grand Canyon was the only one natural wonder from the US that made it to the top 28 finalists as voted by Internet Users all over the World. The final voting for the New 7 Natural Wonders of the World is scheduled for 2011.
photo from
If you have visited Grand Canyon, you will feel very humble by the beauty and enormous size of this park. Visitors who have visited this park will feel that this place is more than a great chasm carved over a million years through the rocks of the Colorado Plateau. It is more than an awe-inspiring view. It is more than a pleasuring ground for hikers, backpackers or for the floaters in the turbulent Colorado River. The park is a gift from nature that transcends what we experience. Its timelessness provokes a comparison to our short existence in this universe. In its vast spaces, nooks and canyons, gorges and forests, visitors may find solace and peace from the hectic lives that they are experiencing today.
I am voting for the park to be one of the 7 new Natural Wonders of the World along with Palawan's Subterranean River in the Philippines- the longest underground river in the world. I hope you will do it also. Here's the video for your enjoyment.

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