Saturday, December 19, 2009

Today is My Diamond Birthday

This is our third week in my island Paradise, where life is simple, warm and slow, including my Smart Bro internet connection. But there is no way, I will exchange this life style to the winter of Northern California this time of the year. You would not believe it, if I tell you I am writing this blog on the beach, where only the sound of the waves and my heartbeat are the sounds I could hear with an occassional interruption of chirping birds and the distant sound of the roosters crowing. Today is also my 75th birthday. The party will be tomorrow after my sister-in-law arrives from Manila with the goodies, birthday cake, etc...However, this morning Macrine and I attended a thanksgiving mass at the newly constructed Gasan Cathedral. The church is located on the hill with a panoramic view of the western Marinduque Sea. The station of the cross are made of glass stained windows donated by Marinduquenos from the US at the tuned of about $900 per window. There is a Meditation Garden at the side and back of the Cathedral. The fund raising for the building of this catehdral was spear headed by Mrs Linda Sevilla Sotto, a balikbayan and a resident of Gasan. This is must site for tourist to see and visit in Marinduque. As far as location, it beats the location and architecture of the old Boac Cathedral in downtown Boac. My fellow bloggers, please wish me more years of healthy blogging as I celebrate my 75th today. Merry Christmas to all my readers and fellow bloggers.


  1. ♪♪Happy Birthday to you♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday Dear David,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you.♪♪

    May you celebrate many, many more happy and healthy birthdays.

    May you and yours have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. :)

  2. Thank You, Sandee for your BD greetings. Have a good Day, Hopefully the winter is mild this year in Modesto and The Central Valley.
