Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The New 7 Wonders of the World( also 7 Natural Wonders)

Here's the new 7 wonders of the world. Of the seven, I have been only to two. The Coliseum in Rome, Italy and Chichen Itza in Mexico. I have plans of visiting Great Wall of China and Machu Picchu in Peru in my younger years, but in my aging years, I am just happy to view the following video. In the related video, the old 7 wonders of the world are also listed.

Do not forget to view the related videos specifically the new 7 natural wonders of the world. Of the seven new natural wonders, the only place I have visited is the Grand Canyon in US. The Philippines Longest navigable Subterranean River in the world made it to the top 28. For detail information visit, http://www.7wonders.info.


  1. The video was wonderful and I loved the music very much. I've never been to any of these places and I'm pretty sure I never will. I'm glad that you got to see two of them.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  2. Hi Sandee, Thanks for dropping by. Take Care! I am glad you like the video.
