Monday, May 16, 2011

Life in US and Philippines Blog Invites Guest Writers

Do you feel like sharing your experiences of living in the US (and other countries) as well as in the Philippines?. Do you feel that your writing may inspire young Filipino-Americans( Canadians, Europeans) to do their best to succeed in life and serve you as their role model?. I specially invite you if you are an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) or a Filipino-American who has resided or is now residing in the US, Canada or in other parts of the world. Please send your article to There is no monetary compensation, but I assure you, your articles and ideas will be read by more than 300 daily visitors of my nine blogs from all over the world.

Note: Original articles are preferred. However, I will be delighted reprinting previously published articles/photographs as long as you cite a reference and acknowledge the original author(s)/photographer(s), so we will not have problems with copy right. All subjects will be considered except religion, politics and sex. I will also require a short paragraph about you for acknowledging purposes. Thank You!

1 comment:

  1. Good site, where did you come up with the information in this write-up? Im happy I found it though, ill be checking back soon to see what other articles you have.
