Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Another Style of Scam Letter I Received Recently

Image from hoax-slayer.com

Recently, I received another e-mail from a person that I know. He is a member of MI, Inc ( Marinduque International, Inc.)-a non for profit organization that Macrine and I supports. Six months ago, I received a similar letter from Barcelona, Spain from a member of PAASE ( Philippine-American Academy of Science & Engineering) that I also know personally. The first time I received this e-mail from the PAASE member, I immediately called this person to verify. She said, she never send the letter, so I was assured it was a Scam.

Please note, that I have also posted several styles of scam letters in this blog (from Nigeria, Africa), just in case you have not read it. Readers, beware again of scam letters. In my recent posting, I posted an example of phishing letters that I have also received recently. Here's the latest scam letter from my e-mail.

"I'm sorry for this odd request because it might get to you too urgent but it's because of the situation of things right now, I'm stuck in Madrid, Spain with Family right now, we came down here on vacation we were robbed, the situation seems worse as bags,cash ,credit cards and cell phone were stolen at GUN POINT, It's such a crazy experience for us, we need help flying back home, the authorities ere not being 100% supportive but the good thing is that we still have our passport but don't have enough money to get our flight ticket back home, please i need you to loan me some money, I will reimburse you right as soon as I'm back home. I promise.

All we need is 2,300 euros but anything you can spare right now will be appreciated and I promise to refund it to you as soon as I arrive back home safely, I give you my word. You can get it to me through western union, Please get back to me so that i can give you my details to send the money to".

Thank you
Name of a Person that you know
This person is a member of an organization that you belong or may be a Relative

Note: A few hours after, I received the above letter, the daughter of the person who was supposed to be in trouble, sent an e-mail, that her DAD is ok, insuring me that indeed the above letter is a SCAM.

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