Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Philippines Won the 2011 World Dragon Boat Race

Philippine Dragon Boat Team Dominates 2011 World Championships with 5 Gold Medals

The following news item released a few weeks ago made me proud as a Filipino-American. The above video was exciting, because of the last seconds move of the Philippine team over Japan to the finish line.

"The Philippine Dragon Boat team nabs their fifth gold medal on the final day of the 10th International Dragon Boat Federation World Championships in Tampa Bay, Florida.

The Philippine Dragon Boat Team ended their campaign on Sunday with another gold medal win in the 500-meter men’s division small boat event in what Dyan Castillejo described as “precision paddling, they topped the race and took the gold medal while their opponents had nothing but praise for the Filipinos.”

The Philippine team won their fourth gold medal in the 500-meters mixed event in the small boat division beating powerhouse teams from Hungary and Trinidad and Tobago. Their third world title came from the Premier 1000m category (small boat) setting a new world record of 4:57.13 for the said event.

Earlier last week, the team also bagged 2 gold medals, one from the 200m Premier Mixed and one from the 1000m Men’s category.

Aside from the 5 gold medals, the team also won two silver medals, one in the premier 200-meter men’s division event on Saturday and another one from the All Comers 200m small boat event.

The gallant Philippine dragon boat team was denied funding by the Philippine Sports Commission. Their trip to the championships was supported by Lucio Tan’s Philippine Airlines as well as Asia Brewery’s Cobra Energy Drink.

The team was crowned champions in 2007 and 2009 but their 5 gold, 2 silver medals haul this year was their biggest yet.

Photo Credit: Ellen Tordesillas


  1. Congratulations to the Filipinos, I'm proud to be one again. Filipinos have been excelling on many sports for many years and some have become popular worldwide with the current star of boxing Manny Pacquiao heading the list. If we could only remove our sole focus on the game of Basketball which requires much height and heft, we could produce more talents in other sports. Have a wonderful day.

    Joey Lopez

  2. Hi, Joey, thank you for your comment. Incidentally, how did you find out about this site? Are you a regular reader? Cheers!
