Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Secret for a Lasting Marriage

Last May 8, Macrine and I celebrated our 54th wedding anniversary in Eastwood City, Quezon City, Philippines at the Old Vine Restaurant at the Eastwood Shopping Mall. With us were first cousins Rene and Genny Nieva. I ordered a bottle of Australian wine ( around $27) with our dinner of steak and baby spareribs, seafood salad and dessert. Inspite of the expensive wine, our dinner for 4 costs me only $51. Thanks to our 4 senior citizens discount card of 20% each. Rene and Genny are owners of Perceptions, Inc., a Public Relation firm in Makati. Rene is Macrine first cousin.

Several of our friends and relatives often ask me what one has to do for a lasting marriage. In other words is there a formula or secret for a lastng marriage? The question has no specific answer and may vary from one couple to another. However, I do believe that the couple must really be in love with each other unconditionally. So, when do you know that both husband and wife had attained unconditional love?

You are truly in love with your partner when you have totally accepted her or his faults, weaknesses and flaws. There is no perfect human being, so once you have attained this outlook in your married life, your are indeed truly in love with your partner.

Do I have a secret formula for a Lasting and Happy Marriage? I have no secret except that there should always be an open communication between you and your partner. In the case of my wife of 54 years, Macrine Nieva Jambalos, I have accepted her flaws and she has accepted my own flaws and weaknesses. In addition, both of us have recognized our strenghts as well as our gifts and different personalities. Again there is no perfect human being, and no perfect husband or wife. Our communication skills are perfect, we even think of the same things at the same time. A couple of days ago, when both of us were sitting in the patio just relaxing, all of a sudden I asked her about our grand daughter whereabouts. Macrine was so surprise because at that moment she was thinking of eactly of the same subject. She asked me if I am reading her mind. Couples who have been married for a long time has usually the same likes and dislikes. But this is not a guarantee of a long lasting marriage. Sometimes, it is better to have different things to do, perhaps even a different hobby so as not to suffocate each other every minutes of your daily life.

If you are reading this article and married, May I wish you a lasting marriage and if you are about to celebrate a wedding anniversary, my congratulations. May God bless you in your marriage.


  1. Congratulations on your marriage milestone. It is nice to hear people who have stayed together in their lifetime through thick and thin. I wish I had been as disciplined as you are with regards to your marriage.

    What happens when love slowly disappears, how do you reignite it? How do you deal with your spouse when you find someone else or when an affair has been started? Have you ever strayed from your marriage? I know you are not a marriage counselor, but I would love to hear your opinions. Have a wonderful day.

    Stephen Grant

  2. Hi Stephen, thanks for dropping by. It takes hard work, trusts and patience to maintain a long lasting marriage with a lot of temptations around in your younger days. A lot of married couples based on what I read had strayed may once or twice, but if love is still around, they always come back to each other. If love slowly disappears, find some ways to rekindle the passion and the fire that you have experience earlier in your marriage. Good Day!
