Friday, August 3, 2012

Are you Addicted already to the Olympic Games?

Are You Addicted to the Olympic Games Already? If you are, you are not alone. You are also in good company with several thousands of viewers all over the world, including myself. The good news is that it will end by August 16 and we can all go back to our routines and not glued to TV either watching the games LIVE or ON TAPE everyday since the opening ceremonies last week

Attached are the top ten individual gold medal winners as of today. The first number is the number of gold medal received, followed by the silver and then the bronze. The last number is the total of medals received as of today.

1. LOCHTE Ryan United States 2 3 1, 6

2. PHELPS Michael United States 3 2 0 ,5

3. SCHMITT Allison United States 2 1 1 4

4. AGNEL Yannick France 2 1 0 3

5. FRANKLIN Missy United States 2 0 1 3

6. VOLLMER Dana United States 2 0 0 2

7. DI FRANCISCA Elisa Italy 2 0 0 2

8. KI Bo Bae South Korea 2 0 0 2

9. DOUGLAS Gabrielle United States 2 0 0 2

10. JUNG Michael Germany 2 0 0 2

The total medals AS of Today-8/2/12 for the top eight countries are: The USA has 37, China has 34, Korea has 14, France has 16, Great Britain has 16, Germany has 17, Russia has 17 and Italy has 11. My congratulations to the medal winners. It is so much fun watching you.