Sunday, September 2, 2012

My Blog Stats from April 21 to September 1, 2012

The following is my 5.5 months statistics based on the number of page views from my eight blogs. The first column was taken on 4/21/12, second column on 9/01/12, the 3rd column the net gain and the last column is the percent increase. Visitors from my eight blogs came from 162 countries.

Blog Name 4/21/12 9/01/12 Net Gain % Increased

1. Life in US 97,566 128,261 30,695 23.9

2. Marinduque Awaits You 109,939 132,147 22,208 16.8

3. Chateau Du Mer 83,512 105,593 22,081 20.9

4. Marinduque,Island 104,548 130,838 26,290 20.1

5. Why Retire in the PHL 31,994 38,992 6,998 18.0

6. Where the Heck is MDQ? 37,915 48,535 10,620 21.9

7. I left my Heart in MDQ 28,922 39,565 10,643 26.9

8. The Intellectual Migrant62,712 78,880 16,168 20.5

Conclusion: I have no reason to quit blogging. The number of page views is increasing( averaging about 21%) in the right direction. Hopefully this will translate into more Adsense dollars. I am very delighted with my stats. My popular blogs are still MQR Awaits You, Life in US, Chateau Du Mer and MRQ My Island Paradise.

To all my readers from 162 countries, thank you for visiting my sites, especially to those of you who took your time in making comments and clicking on my ads. Have a good Fall season. I hope you continue supporting my blogs and tell your friends and relatives about my blog sites. Good day to ALL!