Monday, December 30, 2013

Stats from My Googles, Infolinks and Chitika Accounts

Let me start by saying, that I blog not to earn a lot of money through my ads, but because I enjoy writing and knowing that what I write is being appreciated by my readers from 166 countries all over the world. Earning a few dollars a month is just like an icing on the cake.

I have three advertising accounts in my five blogs. The oldest of my account is with Googles Adsense. I had signed with Googles three years ago. As of today, I am happy with my Adsense account which average about $10 per month. This is good enough to buy me a cup of Starbuck Coffee and a half-foot long sandwich from Subway.

My second account is with Infolinks. I signed with Infolinks at beginning of this month. My third and most recent advertising account is with Chitika. I signed with Chitika only last week.

Here's my earning stats for this month of December:

Googles: Month Of December,1-30 2013 $4.26 ( need more clickers)

Infolinkks: Month of December,1-30 2013 $ 1.73

Chitika: From December 18 to 30, 2013: $ 0.10

This earning is barely enough to buy me a cup of Starbuck Coffee. But I feel like a millioner and this meager amount continues to inspire me to blog almost every day when I am here in the US. In the months that I am in the Philippines, I stopped writing and updating my blogs as a welcome respite of my writing activities, although I still keep up with my FaceBook Account.

Again to all my readers that send comments and sometimes click on my ads, thanks a million for your support. Have a Safe New Year. May 2014 bring you prosperity, luck and happiness

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