Sunday, August 10, 2014

Good News: Marinduque Airport Certified to Open on September 1, 2014

The news that the Masiga Airport in Marinduque has been certified to open by September 1, 2014 reminded me of my article on my blogs dated June 28, 2009. This is indeed the answer to my prayers to Saint Jude, Patron Saint of the Impossible. I am looking forward to the fulfillment of this news. Hopefully actual flights from Manila to Marinduque and back will commence by Christmas week of this year. I will continue my prayers to St.Jude.

I just finished reading, Eli Obligacion blog on the plans of SeAir(South East Asian Airlines) to provide air service from Manila to Marinduque on the days that Zest Air is not flying to Marinduque. At present, Zest Air flies only on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. SeAir is planning to include Marinduque on their Paradise to Paradise Leisure Escape Package Schedule. SeaAir is currently providing air service to Boracay , Palawan and to 17 other tourist destinations in the Philippines. However, this plan will be realized only if the Masiga airport runway is repaired, lengthened and widened so that their bigger aircraft could land safely in Marinduque. Funding for this project was recently allocated by VP Noli de Castro's office, but is still waiting for final approval and release from President GMA's office .

I call all Marinduques all over the world to raise their voices so that completion of this project will become a reality soon. In addition, I am personally praying to St. Jude, Patron Saint of the Impossible for his help on the completion of this project. The daily air service from Manila will certainly boost tourism which in turn will improve the economic condition of our province with the creation of new jobs related to the tourism business. With the opening of Bellarocca Resort,touted as the most luxurious resort in South East Asia last year, there is a need and demand for daily air services to Marinduque.

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