Sunday, May 7, 2017

Mangoes and Roses for Our Breakfast/Dining Table

Two Simple but Beautiful Center Pieces for Our Breakfast/Dining Table

Two activities that Both Macrine and I enjoy are eating Philippines mangoes and making flower arrangement with flowers growing in our garden.
Today, we are lucky to be able to purchase 14 mangoes for only $16.99 at our local Pinoy Grocery store. The mangoes are tagged Sunny mangoes, # 4961. Visually ( see photo above) they look like Guimaras Mangoes. However the taste is not comparable to the luscious and sweet world famous Mangoes from Guimaras Island. It did suffice our hunger for Philippine mangoes, however. Speaking about mangoes, reminded me of my recent post on this King of the Fruits as follows:

Two Examples of a Simple and More Complex Flower Arrangement with Roses

With regards to the Roses Flower arrangement above: I have only 3 rose bushes in my backyard. However, they bloom three times a year, early spring, summer and late Fall. The three tea hybrids I have are Mr. Lincoln, American Beauty and Peace. The trick is to prune them after it flowers and fertilize immediately with Rose Fertilizer(10-60-10) with Insecticides for Aphids. For more information on tea roses read the following:

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