Sunday, February 11, 2018

A Surprise Visit from Dinah, Ian and Sara DiCampli

Today we have a surprise visit from my oldest daughter Dinah- a resident of Oregon ( Portland area). She and a friend from Walnut Creek ( Tom) along with Ian(-Dinah's only son) and his girlfriend Sara from Roseville spent 2 hours with us enjoying Chinese lunch- courtesy of Dinah.

Ian and Sara DiCampli

Both Macrine and I are ecstatic of their visit specially Macrine who is suffering from Cabin fever. We had not been to our neighborhood Casino for the last three weeks-because we are scared of the Flu epidemic in our neighborhood.

The last couple of days Macrine had been suffering mild confusion a side effect of one of her medications for her Parkinson. She wants me to drive her to our beach house in Amoingon, Boac, Marinduque. Philippines.

However, after Dinah's visit Macrine's mood improved. She is now binging on the Sees Chocolate candies that Dinah gave her for her advance Valentine gift. Dinah and Ian: Thanks a million again for your visit, the Chinese lunch and the See's Candies.

Hope to see you soon!

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