Monday, April 30, 2018

Differences and Similarities of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases

The other day after watching the Alzheimer's Disease (AD) segment in the 60 Minutes TV show reminded me that I am lucky that my wife has only Parkinson Disease(PD) and not Alzheimer's Disease (PD). I wish though that my wife's PD will disappear but as of today there is no cure for both PD and/or AD.

For those of you who have no relatives or loved ones suffering from either PD or AD, I call you the Chosen and Lucky Ones. You will only fully understand the previous sentence unless you have experienced being a Primary Care Giver to a Loved One suffering from a neurological disorder such as PD or AD.

Do you know the Differences and Similarities between PD and AD? Here's are two references for your information and reading pleasure.



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