Thursday, October 3, 2019

Last Blooms and Harvests from My Garden thisYear

The following photos from my garden are showing that Summer is ending and the Fall (Autumn) Season is here.

My pineapple plant fruit is getting bigger and may be ready for harvest by Christmas

I planted a new pineapple just this spring. I may have to bring it inside the house before freezing weather kills it

My okra and other pineapple plants are doing well under the sun

My potato bush with its numerous small purple flowers is a delight to the eyes

May be my last okra harvest this year( flower of okra is yellow)

May be the last yellow rose and cacti blooms in my garden this year

My Hanging Petunia Pot in her last glory of blooms

My Pyracanthas are showing the effect of cool nights

The above photos remind me of my gardens in Marinduque- our second home. Marinduque is a Gardener's Paradise!


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