Thursday, February 13, 2020

Old But Treasured Photos in My Album

Once again, my frustration and anger of our Dictator King Trump (his assault of our justice system) this week, inspired me to search for old treasured photos in my collection. Here's a few I like to share. 

Entrance of Main House( Chateau Du Mer)-Philippines
Side Yard ( south) of Main House-Philippines

My Computer Set-up at CDM-Philippines

Laylay Sunset-Macrine's Ancestral Home-Philippines
Amoingon Sunset-From the Balcony of Our Beach House-Philippines

Twilight at the Beach House-CDM-Philippines
My Miniature Orchid in Bloom-US
Lady Godiva Glass Sculpture-US
Some of Macrine's Music Boxes Collection-US
Macrine's Marble Eggs Collection from Romblon- Philippines

Philippine Anteater in Glass Case-US

Cactus in Bloom at Back Patio, US

 Meanwhile, enjoy Kulas video of Zanboanga City, Eleven Island 

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