Friday, October 23, 2020

Getting My Trees Trimmed/Topped Again After Five Years

Our Side Yard Trees Before Trimming/Topping

Last week I had 5 of my maple trees trimmed/topped. It was 5 years ago that they were trimmed/topped. The branches were getting too long it was reaching the neighbors roof/driveway as well as my own roof. I was afraid when the winter winds arrived the branches may fall and damage the roof of my neighbor, so I decided to have Anderson Tree Company trimmed the trees before the windy winter season. It was pricey and added expense to my budget ( $1,900) but give me peace of mind. The following photos showed after the trees were trimmed and topped.   

The two maple trees trimmed and topped removing dangers of branches falling on neighbors roof and driveway on the West Side of the House
The tree maple trees trimmed and topped so branches no longer endanger neighbor's roof and yard on the east side of the house

This is an article I wrote five years ago about the Anderson Tree Company and its owner Scott Anderson and his Pinay wife.

Meanwhile, enjoy these two photos from my garden

My potted pineapple plant in the Entrance- Healthy but no Fruit this year- It had fruited a small one last year
My Banana Plant growing luxuriously on my side Yard


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