Saturday, October 31, 2020

Have You Heard of Sous-vide Cooking?

 Cooking via Sous-vide-Photo Credit-Wikipedia

I was communicating with a European friend now residing in the Philippines about the best way to cook exotic and expensive meat like ostrich steaks the other day. I told him I am not comfortable in cooking expensive and exotic meat like ostrich steaks or lamb chops for I might ruin the cooking either under or over cooking.

He suggested I try cooking Sous-vide. This was my first time to hear of the word Sous-vide.  The technique of cooking in a vacuum-sealed bags in a water bath  had been done by Macrine (RIP) in her younger years. I just did not know what the name of the process or technique was at that time.

Sous Vide is a French cooking technique, which translates to “under vacuum." In this technique food is vacuum-sealed in a cooking pouch and heated up at a precise temperature in a water oven. Instead of relying on perfect timing, sous vide relies on precise temperature control. You simply set the machine and can expect the technique to deliver consistent, perfect results. Foods cooked sous vide develop flavors and textures that simply cannot be duplicated using any other traditional cooking method. Here are the advantages of cooking sous-vide.

  • Enhanced flavours.
  • Healthier result.
  • Better textures and tenderness.
  • Never overcooked.
  • Perfect every time.

Sous vide water bath cooker could vary from $9.99 to $ 4,000 + depending on brand 

The  $9.99 water bath cooker from Amazon

The most expensive sous vide water bath cooker commercially available listed for $4,200.99  
  • Here are three links about Sous-vide cooking. 

Meanwhile, enjoy this photo of coconut lobster from Marinduque, Philippines

Live Coconut Lobsters ( Crabs) from Marinduque, Philippines


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