Monday, October 19, 2020

Pleasant Memories of Macrine's Purple and Shade of Purple Party Dresses

 Jacaranda Trees in Bloom with their purple fragrant Flowers in South Africa

Macrine loved the color purple and its various shades* as well as her younger sister-Fe (Pepot) Jambalos.  The color Purple combines the calm stability of blue and the fierce energy of red. The color purple is often associated with royalty, nobility, luxury, power, and ambition. Purple also represents meanings of wealth, extravagance, creativity, wisdom, dignity, grandeur, devotion, peace, pride, mystery, independence, and magic.

Light purple or lavender is a feminine, graceful, elegant color that has long been associated with refined, wealthy women. While the color purple represents royalty, lavender represents beauty and femininity. Lavender is considered to be the “grown-up” pink.
Macrine and I in Our Lavender Outfits*,2003

I was looking at my photo albums the other day. A photograph of Macrine's Induction as President of Marinduque International, Inc, in 2003 with her light Purple(lavender) evening dress attracted my attention, and why?

Because it reminded me of the recent photos of Carenna wearing the same outfit after an expensive re-tailoring to fit her. The photos brought pleasant memories of our 63 years of married life,

Here's Carenna with the light purple dress after it was remodeled and resized:

Carenna look stunning in her Lola's Outfit after it was tailored to her Size

And here's Carenna at United World College, Netherlands, International Day Celebration with a Classmate from Turkey modeling her light purple dress ( lavender). 


Carenna during UWC International Day Program, September 25, 2020


Ditas and Nick's Wedding-Entourage Secondary Colors are Purple and Blue,2002


This is another light purple flowered party dress that Macrine loved. This photo was taken at the Chateau Du Mer Conference Hall, Boac, Marinduque, 2010  

Meanwhile enjoy Joshua Bell's violin -Ladies in Lavender


and a painting of a Purple Sky and Lake 

From Pinterest

*Here are the Shades of the color Purple:

 also enjoy the purple blooms of Jacaranda trees as follows:
Enjoy the Purple Blooms of Jacaranda trees in South Africa
Each year, from late September to November, Jacaranda trees go into bloom in South Africa. These beautiful trees are especially abundant in Pretoria and Johannesburg, draping the cities in a magnificent display of color purple.

The word ‘Jacaranda’ is believed to mean ‘fragrant’ in a native South American dialect, and the trees are known for their purple blossoms. Some species boast beautiful white petals, although they’re much rarer in South Africa.
One of My Orchids in the Gardens of Chateau Du Mer, Boac, Marinduque



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