Tuesday, June 15, 2021

My Friendly Neighbor and the Latest News in the Neighborhood

Yesterday, my friendly neighbor, DR gave me some summer squash/zuchini( photo above) from his garden. I was surprise because I did not expect it. He suggested I just steamed it and seasoned it with butter and parsley/onion salt and it should taste good. Do you have any recipe you can share?

I was eager to talk to him because I wanted to know why our other neighbor are selling their house. DR informed me they are down sizing since both of them are now fully retired. They have purchased another house (smaller) in Wilton, a more rural community and where homes are still cheaper and affordable. The house they are selling was sold in 7 days for $10,000 more of the asking price. It is a 4BR 2bathroom house with around 2000 sq foot and a beautifully landscape yard. It has a swimming pool, sauna, hot tub and an RV parking space in the backyard.  When I searched the house in Zillow.com, it was listed for $579K. I heard from DR it sold yesterday for 589K.  This is the photo of the backyard from the Internet.


DR also informed me that all our neighbors are fully vaccinated. However, he said our mailman is not. I asked him if he knows the reason. DR said he is not sure, he thinks the guy is just lazy and think he does not need the vaccine because he is healthy. DR also joked that the mail man is a Trump cult follower.   DR statement reminded me of how I sad and shocked I was when I learned last month that a closed relative who is highly educated does not want to be vaccinated because the vaccines are experimental innoculants.   

Meanwhile enjoy these photos I took from my yard just recently

My side yard- a View of my Neighbor Flowering Pink Crape Myrtle Tree, my storage house and Lombardy poplar pine trees as screened trees. 

 My mini-succulent Garden and last but not least my potted pineapple plant 



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