Monday, July 12, 2021

A Bountiful Okra Harvest from My Garden This Week

Today, I harvested a dozen of Okra from my 10 okra plants. I am very, very pleased. On the other hand my tomato harvest is meager. I have to pick up the half-ripe tomato, otherwise the blue birds in my yard will have the first taste. My ampalaya plants are starting to bear fruit. Here are some photos: 

My Okra Flowering along with my Ampalaya Vines

Meanwhile enjoy these photos of my blooming cactus and Mother Duck and her Babies of the Neighborhood staring at the plastic male duck decoy on my side yard.

Please stay cool as three digit temperatures are forecasted here in Northern California for the next three days. Yesterday 6.0 earthquake frightened me for about 15 seconds while I was in bed watching my favorite movies in Netflix.


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