Sunday, August 8, 2021

Macrine's One Year Anniversary Celebration a Success

Fifteen guests arrived to celebrate Macrine's Waksi. We lighted two candles to honor her memory. The guests partake both Pinoy and American Dishes. Igsoon Ceding and her two children(Albert and Christine) brought a dozen tangerine roses. For Pinoy dishes we had adobo sa gata ( gift from Merlet), beef calderetta steamed rice, and Pancit. For American Dishes we had Honey Baked Ham, cranberry, Chicken Macaroni salad, salad greens with artichoke hearts/pepperoni and Hawaiian sweet rolls. For dessert we had rice cakes, brown and white puto and peach pies. We had soft drinks and beer. Here are some photos of the ocassion.

 Igsoon Ceding with the Dozen Tangerine Roses for the occasion

Igsoon Ceding and son, Albert and daughter, Christine from San Jose, CA

Yuka Maeda Chilan- the only relative of Macrine to attend

 Yuka's Mother and Father in Law Visiting from Equador


Alix, Brendan and Ditas playing cards ( Pikwa)

The kids ( Dodie and Ditas),and grand kids(Alix and Carenna),  Yuka and Brendan ( Alix boyfriend) playing Pikwa after getting tired with mahjong

Thank you all for coming to celebrate Macrine's Waksi. Special thanks to Merlet for the Adobo sa Gata. Now I can rest for a few days-heal my aching knees and tired body.

Meanwhile enjoy the latest of my pineapple.

My Pineapple in the Front Porch-getting bigger everyday



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