Sunday, September 26, 2021

My Four Children Accomplishments for the StoryWorth Book

Parents are always proud of their children accomplishments. And I am not an exception. I am indeed a very proud father of my four children professional accomplishments.

Here's Linked-In Accomplishments of My Four Children for My StoryWorth Book of Memories. My 4 adults children are Dodie (1958), Dinah ( 1961), David E III ( 1962) and Ditas (1965).

 Ditas Master's Degree Graduation, USC, 1993 

Here's Ditas Katague Information from LinkedIn

Expert in civic engagement, racial equity/inclusion, culturally congruent outreach and communications and the Decennial Census. Change Leadership, Fundraising, Development and PAC, Strategic Planning. Grief Yoga Teacher

•2019 Capitol Weekly’s Top 100 most powerful movers and shakers in California politics
Leading the State of California's efforts for a complete count in the Decennial Census (2000, 2010, 2020) Convene, coordinate, collaborate and build capacity to engage the diverse California communities in outreach to the hardest to reach populations.
. Chief of Staff to Public Utilities Commissioner covering all issues including telecommunications, water, transportation, energy, energy efficiency as well as legislative policy in these areas. Oversaw complex rule making and proceedings with evidentiary hearings, public participation hearings, administrative and procedural policies, including rate setting, quasi-legislative and adjudicatory cases.
* Accomplished Public Affairs professional able to manage legislative and regulatory advocacy efforts in 15+ Western States, with a legislative agenda including mortgage lending, privacy/security breach, employer sanctions, licensing, housing, and flood insurance.
• CEO and Chief Operating Officer for the most successful statewide grass-roots outreach program (using “GOTV- get out the vote” tactics) which has become a National model The "California, You Count!" Census 2000 and the "Be Californian, Be counted." Effort in the 2010 Census.
• Coalition builder, mediator and community organizer among diverse, multi-cultural groups
• Agile event planner & project manager that leverages strategic community relationships
• Political Action Committee (PAC) Assistant Treasurer and Operations manager for an employee PAC for a large national financial services company
• Senior Policy Advisor to the Secretary of the Business, Transportation & Housing Agency
• Relationship manager for large State Agency interfacing with Chief Information Officers and vendors (Information Technology and Management Consulting Services)
• Experienced project manager with a strong background in public/private partnerships, business process re-engineering, transition planning, economic and community development policy, information technology (IT) and change

 Ditas early retired from the State of California last June 30.


 Here's Dinah's Information in Linked In

I am a very, very proud Father, indeed!


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