Friday, April 22, 2022

The Posthumous Awards for David E Katague III from the TSA, Sacramento

Yesterday was a rainy day here in Fair Oaks. It was an appropriate day for the presentation of a Plaque and the American Flag in memory of David's 17 years employment with the TSA, Sacramento International Airport. The award was presented to me by three of David's former coworkers, Gilbert Galam, Stephen Terry and Krina Tommei.  The three told Ditas and I of David's kindness, empathy and mentorship to his younger coworkers as well as the humorous side of his personality. It was emotionally satisfying to hear that Macrine(RIP) and I had raised an offspring that had empathy for others. David's E kindness ranged from buying new shoes for his younger coworker, and giving a Power Tie for another coworker to wear for a meeting in Washington DC. 

I mentioned to the group of David's plan to retire early in the Philippines and his dislike for his former supervisor. I hope that Galam, Terry and Tommei be not in trouble at work because of my mentioning David's frustration at work. I am personally aware of David's dislike for his supervisor. He told me that the reasons he plans to retire early, is his frustrations of the bullish and racist behavior of his supervisor. He described to me when he was still alive that his boss bullies him every now and then. They will have heated discussions on politics and other topics. David told me his boss is a fanatic Trumpist. He lend him his book authored by Mary Trump, "Too Much and Never Enough". David told me his boss believes the book is all Fake and the events described in the book is propaganda. I hope that by mentioning David's frustration at work can improve the morale, communication issues and working conditions at the TSA in the Sacramento International Airport. Galam,Terry and Tommei should not be blamed for this information that I have personal knowledge of. 


The badge reads( Memorialized Credentials): An employee of the Transportation Security Administration dedicated to protecting the transportation infrastructure of the United States. This badge is presented to his family in honored memory and recognition of service to the traveling public and the Transportation Security Administration. 

Signed by David P Pekoske, Administrator of TSA, Badge # M000535

The Plaque also contains David's 10 and 15 years anniversary pins and a US Memorial Pin from the US Department of Homeland Security plus two small Eagle Pins(see photo above). The top pins are DHS agency service pins. The bottom ones are TSA service pins.

The badge in the plaque signed by David P Pekoske, the TSA administrator are called “memorialized credentials”


The Plaque is displayed in our living room with the other Plaques of Recognition and Commendations Awards that Macrine and I had received during our professional career. The framed American Flag is now displayed in his bedroom.

Ditas and I are very thankful for Galam, Terry and Tommei visit and presentation of the Plaque and American Flag to honor David's memory and service to his country. This posthumous award presentation and visit is an occasion, I will always remember.   Here are more photos of their visit.

Thanks again Gilbert Galam, Stephen Terry and Krina Tommei for your visit and the posthumous awards for David E-my youngest son. More Power to you in your work at the TSA, Sacramento International Airport.

Meanwhile, yesterday there was another momentous day in my life. I received my second booster shot of Moderna Covid-19 vaccine at CVS. My arm is sore today, But I am ok and feel good that I have more protection from the sub variant virus emerging in the East Coast. Also Happy Earth Day to All my Readers all over the World.


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