Tuesday, August 30, 2022

The Pleasure of Growing Okra in My Backyard Garden

The potted mature okra plants viewed from my Family Room ( 3.5 ft tall)

Because of the 3-Digit temperatures here in FO, I have to water them daily-a good exercise for my aching knees.  I also have intense pleasure cooking them with my own recipes. ( see link at bottom of page)

This year, I planted only Okra in my vegetable garden in a wooden pot, because of the drought and space. The previous years, I had ampalaya, chinese eggplants and tomatoes in my backyard vegetable garden.  I planted two varieties of okra-the standard green okra and the red( purple) Okra. I started from seeds ( more than 3 dozens), but due to the bluebirds and squirrels only 7 purple okra and one green variety survived to maturity. I have already harvested more than three dozens okra and had cooked them to my gastronomic delight.  Here are some photos, I took the other day.

A close-up photo showing the yellow flowers


Newly harvested young okras for my stew and gumbo recipes. For recipes on okra and dishes read the following:



The latest photo of my okra in bloom. The yellow flower is pretty and complemented with purple stems of the plant with green leaves with purple veins is beautiful to look while seating in my patio every day. 


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