Monday, October 10, 2022

Photo Memories of Ditas Younger Days

I found this article I drafted last May.  Ditas has moved to Alexandria, VA and Carenna has started her first year of college experience at the Elliott School of International Affairs, so I missed their regular personal visit here in Fair Oaks.  Anyway here are some photos of Ditas during her younger years. Memories, Indeed!

"Ditas will be moving to the Washington DC area this July. She got a Senior Executive Service (SES) Federal job in the Department of Commerce, Bureau of Census.  I will be missing her frequent personal visits, but I am sure we will continue our chats via Messenger in Face Book. Again, my Congratulations and Have Fun in your repeat Adventure in the Federal Government.

While cleaning the garage and David E room, Dodie and I found several photos of Ditas during her younger and fun years as follows:

  Pinole Valley High School, Cheer Leading Activities

Presidential Summer Internship for Ditas, Washington DC

Who is This Lady?

Four of the Seven Snowball Queen Candidates, Richmond Unified School District, 1982

Meanwhile, Me and Ditas- elected as the Pinole Valley High School Queen and the Richmond Unified District, 1982

Newspaper Write-up of Ditas Winning the Snowball Queen Title, 1982 

There were 7 contestants ranked and rated for Talent, Poise and Beauty. For the talent portion, Ditas played three classical piano pieces, including one she wrote herself in ninth grade. Macrine and I were at the Richmond Auditorium during the crowning ceremony attended by several hundreds students and their families.

Meanwhile, here's a photo of my feline companions taken last May.


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