Sunday, October 30, 2022

Reality (Nonfiction) versus Fiction on Anti-Aging Therapy


In my two previous blogs, I wrote about my unpublished novel, The Intellectual Migrants. In this fictional story the hero, Derek Belleza Katigbak was the first Filipino-American scientist that won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry because of his research on Anti-Aging Agents and Therapies.

The other article, I wrote was about the current research and clinical studies on Metformin- An approved drug for Diabetes 2- a very, very cheap and affordable drug.

I received a few comments on these two articles recently. Most of my readers were surprise but hopeful that the metformin research may yield positive results. The search for the Fountain of Youth will End if the results is Positive, 

So I am reposting these two blogs in case you missed reading them.



I hope you find this ant-aging research interesting. Meanwhile enjoy this photo from my album: Sitka, Alaska by Ditas


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