Friday, December 15, 2023

First Floor Fairmount Residents Holiday Door Decors

F108-My Apartment Christmas Door Decor- A Philippine Embroidery without and with Pyracantha Berries

The Six Residents of the First Floor in the Fairmount Building Here at THD have decorated our Apartment doors with several types of Christmas Wreaths and Decors welcoming the Holiday Hanukkah  and Christmas Season. There are 7 apartments in this Floor. All are occupied except for one, Apt 104. This apartment have been vacant for quite sometime when Marvin moved to Merrell Gardens a few months ago, because he needs more assistance. This was before the Partnership with Hillendale Home Care.  

I took some photos of all the Door Decors of Apartment 102, 108, 112, 110, 106 and 114.   There is no decor for 104.  Here are the photos for your viewing pleasure. I hope my neighbors will not get slighted by my posting their door decor without me asking for permission. Since the Decors are viewed by the public ( Amazon and Postal Deliveries persons, etc...) I see no reason for permission to post the photos in my blogs. 

Here are the Christmas Decors and Wreaths for your viewing pleasure; 





Meanwhile here's a PAROL Decor From the Philippines for your Window-R. Nieva

, Have Fun All Day with Our Ugly Sweaters Celebration/Competition 

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