Monday, December 11, 2023

Travel with Me to India via Ditas Photos-Part 1

Ditas my youngest daughter is now in India enjoying a 2-week vacation. This is a needed vacation for as the saying goes " All Work💥 Without Play, Makes Jill a Dull Girl (or Jack a Dull  Boy)". 


I have not been to India, but have been enjoying scenes from Jaipur, India from the CBS TV show Amazing Race just recently. Attached are some photos Ditas send me via her Face Book page taken in Punjab, Agra, New Delhi as well in Jaipur. 

Jaipur is the first planned city of India and it's numerous tourist attractions gives it the name Paris of India. It is also known as the pink city due to its dominant colour scheme of the town.

Two out of three places in these photos are items in Ditas Bucket list  - the Golden Temple(Punjab) and the Taj Mahal( Agra). Photos of her trip to Ranthambhore National Park to see the tigers (but they were shy the day of the visit) will be posted in Part 2 of this Series in my next posting.

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