Tuesday, April 16, 2024

How to Make a Succulent/Cactus Terrarium

 My Own Creation of a Cacti/Succulent Terrarium- It is a Work of Art if I may Say So!

There is another activity that was scheduled yesterday that I am interested in attending ( flyer above). However, because it is scheduled at the same time I play bridge, it is no brainer my bridge playing has the priority. It is about making a terrarium with succulents. Here's how to Create a Terrarium.

  1. Add Gravel or Pebbles to the Bottom. Start by adding a layer of gravel or pebbles to the bottom of your vessel. ... 
  2. Add a Filter On Top of the Pebbles. Next, add a thin filter on top of the rock or pebble layer. ... 
  3. Layer In Soil. ... 
  4. Plant Your Succulents. ... 
  5. Add Additional Accent Plants. ... 
  6. Mist With Water.

Here's a video of how to make your own succulent terrarium


Meanwhile enjoy this photo of the first rose bloom here at THD I took last week.

Photo Taken April 10, 2024, THD Court Yard, Walnut Creek, California

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