Saturday, May 11, 2024

My Indoor Plants that Survived My Downsizing Moves

 I loved indoor plants. For the last six decades I have always collected numerous indoor plants. The above (see photo above) plant has survived several moves. I have this plant as a gift from Ditas(my youngest daughter) when we moved to Fair Oaks, Ca in 2002 when I retired from FDA that year. 

It has survived two moves. The most recent one was last year when I moved from Fair Oaks to THD. You can see it's thriving very well with new growth and very happy in its new location.  Below is the money plant that survived my move to THD. I forgot the name of the plant above. Anyone can give me the name of the plant above? 

I have written several articles on indoor plants as follows:

Here are some photos of my indoor plants here at THD. Some of them are thriving very well. Others need more sunlight. I may moved some of them outside this summer for more light and sunshine. 

The variegated wondering Jew cuttings from Sandi- my neighbor and the Welcome Orchid from THD

The remains of my Christmas Poinsettia decorating my kitchen Sink

My Hanging Spider plant and Snake Plant in My Second Bedroom-Office-Computer Room

Indoor Plants in My Bedroom


Indoor Plants in my Living Room

Lastly here are quotes about Plants and Gardening

  • “The love for gardening is a seed once sown that never dies.” - ... 
  • “Plants give us oxygen for the lungs and for the soul.” - ... 
  • “If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.” - ... 
  • “Garden as though you will live forever.” -

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