other day a relative drove me to Sky River Casino in Elk Grove, CA. The
Casino grand opening was last September and I know it is in Highway 99
about 15 miles south from downtown Sacramento. My relative used her car
GPS system. I realized the GPS is routing as thru the back roads instead
of the Freeways ( my favorite route to Elk Grove for Pinoy groceries). I
have never used a GPS but maps. My personal knowledge is that from My
house in Fair Oaks, the fastest route is via Highway 50 to 99 South
towards Stockton.
I realized that it was almost rush hour
so the GPS routed us away from the Freeways and thru the back roads
with less traffic.
The GPS misguided us to CA 104- five miles farther south from the Sky River Casino on Grant Line Rd and Ca 99.
Google Maps showed me three ways from my House in Fair Oaks to the Casino as follows:
1. via Bradshaw Rd
This route has restricted usage or private roads.

2. via US-50 W and CA-99 S

3. via Sunrise Blvd and Grant Line Rd
If I were driving and not during rush hours, I will choose #2. My Relative chose #3 as directed by her Car GPS. However, instead of driving straight from Grant Line Rd to Ca-99, the GPS lead us to the small town of Wilton. By the time we reached 99 S, we were at the boundary of Elk Grove and Galt( Twin Cities Rd). The GPS directed us 5 miles farther south from our destination.
The detour in the little town of Wilton was pleasant and my first time. (
We have a leisurely drive in the rural side roads(Dillard and Arno) with vineyards and farm lands as the back ground. Since it was mid afternoon, the GPS detour was not as bad although we lost about 15 minutes to our destination. We did drove by the Adkins Family Vineyards at Grant Line Rd.
how reliable is your car GPS system? The price of GPS ranges from as
low as $39 to as High as $700. I would guess that the more expensive the
more reliable is the system. My relative mentioned to me that this was
not the first time that her GPS system instructed her about 5 miles
away from her destination.
Here's a summary from Wikipedia on ANS ( Car GPS) for your information.
An automotive navigation system is part of the automobile controls or a third party add-on used to find direction in an automobile. It typically uses a satellite navigation device to get its position data which is then correlated to a position on a road. When directions are needed routing can be calculated. On the fly traffic information (road closures, congestion) can be used to adjust the route.
Dead reckoning using distance data from sensors attached to the drivetrain, an accelerometer, a gyroscope, and a magnetometer can be used for greater reliability, as GNSS signal loss and/or multipath can occur due to urban canyons or tunnels.
Mathematically, automotive navigation is based on the shortest path problem, within graph theory, which examines how to identify the path that best meets some criteria (shortest, cheapest, fastest, etc.) between two points in a large network.
Meanwhile, I am reposting one of our photos from our Sky River Casino Outing last Wednesday.