Friday, October 16, 2009

Blue or a Shade of Blue is My Favorite Color

I have several hundreds of pictures in my collection. But the top ten pictures that I love, because the they have the blue color as the dominant theme in the photograph. If you like the color blue, by all means, spent a few minutes looking at the following pictures.

Two Pictures of Carenna (My Pangga) in Purple-a shade of Blue indeed

Blue Seas and Sky of Balanacan Harbor, Mogpog, Marinduque

My Blue Orchid- My Princess Mikasa

Blue Starfish in Amoingon Beach, Boac, Marinduque

Ditas, Dinah, Elaine and Carenna in Blue at our Golden Wedding Anniversary

Chiqui's Jambalos Wedding and her entourage in blue

Dinah Katague King in her blue jacket during her pottery Show

Blue Skies at Grand Canyon

The Coral Reefs in the Philippines

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