Thursday, October 15, 2009

Today is Blog Action Day, 2009

I am re posting my article on Global Warming I wrote about a year ago to celebrate Blog Action Day, 2009.

The Coral Reefs of the Philippines
Recently,I was reading the Philippine Inquire on line, my daily habit after retiring. There was a news item that Dr. Joey Comiso, a NASA physicist emphasized that global warming will affect the Philippines more because of our biodiversity both flora and fauna particularly our coral reefs. I can not agree more. Dr Comiso said that even a small rise in the ocean temperature will have a catastrophic effect on our coral reefs which could led to a chain of reaction until all the fish and others living creatures in the ocean perish. Scary but possible!.

So what can we do as ordinary citizens? There are several suggestions from several authors of what we can do as an individual. But the most important one that I always remember is to reduce our carbon emissions, by helping clean our environment, and used less fuel. The government however, has a major role in reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the environment. For example by regulating emissions from tricycles, and diesel buses , requiring catalytic converters or more efficient engines will definitely reduce the pollutants in big cities as Manila, Cebu, Baguio or Davao. Polluting the environment should be punished by monetary fines. The fines earned should be allotted to the clean-up of garbage, wastes and the environment.

Here's a short article on Blog Action Day.

"For those of you who don’t know, Blog Action Day is an annual event held every October 15th where bloggers across the world unite to write about a single issue on a single day. We like to think of it as one big blogfest for good, and our goal is to spark conversation on an issue of importance across the web.

This year’s topic is climate change, and we’ve thus far had more than 4,000 bloggers from 123 countries register, including many of the world’s largest blogs.

Our aim is to make Blog Action Day 2009 the largest social change event on the web as a demonstration of global concern about the climate crisis. To achieve this, we want to invite the entire Blogger community to get involved and commit to writing a single post about climate change on your blog on October 15th.

In addition to joining thousands of other bloggers, you’ll also be supporting the work of the dozens of leading nonprofits who are also participating – including Oxfam,, The Nature Conservancy, Greenpeace, The United Nations Foundation, and more than forty organizations affiliated with the TckTckTck campaign.

You can learn more about the issue of climate change and see sample topics you might write about at There you can also find additional ways to get involved by taking action with leading nonprofits and posting a snazzy widget to your blog.

Thanks so much for your support – we hope to have you all as part of the event!"

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