To all you fathers, I wish you the best. Today, I started the day going to church early. The mass was ordinary, but the homily was inspirational. The priest mentioned that the measure of how a good a father you are is how you treat your wife. He also mentioned that fathers that attend church services are less likely to get a divorce and are happier than fathers who do not attend religious services. After church, David III and his Mom treated me to a Seafood Chinese All you can Eat Buffet. They have oysters, shrimps, fish, crabs and about fifty other dishes including dim sun and sushi. If you are hungry, this is a good bargain for $14.99 per person. The dinner includes soft drinks and several choices of dessert besides the standard fortune cookie.
Now did I get a gift? Sure did! Last week, Ditas my youngest daughter treated me and Macrine to the Lion King, a Broadway musical along with my beloved Carenna and to a Chinese dinner after the show. The tickets were expensive, but the show was beautiful especially the staging, costumes and songs. This gift was indeed appreciated, since I have not seen a Broadway show for quite a while.
Today, David III also purchased a fathers gift that I could really used every day. It is a 32" LCD monitor screen for my PC, but it could also be used as a TV screen. I am using it now and it is really fantastic. Watching movies from YouTube is just like watching it on a regular TV screen, if not better. Because of the cost, I told David, this monitor will also be my gift for my birthday and Christmas this December from him.
Dinah my oldest daughter wish me Happy Fathers Day by telephone about an hour ago. She said my card is on the mail. I am not expecting any monetary gift from her, since her family do not have extra money for gifts. Dinah's husband lost his job last year and was out of a job for six months. They have spent most their savings while her husband was looking for a job. Luckily as of last April, both Dinah and husband have found contract jobs in their area of residence. Hopefully, their jobs become permanent when the economy recovers.
My oldest son has not greeted me yet. It is almost 10:00PM. Last year, he did not also call me on Fathers' day, but the next day he call for his customary greetings. If he does not call tomorrow, I will be very disappointed.
Again, if you are reading this blog, I hope your day is as happy as mine, in spite of the fact, that my oldest son has not called me yet today. I will wait another hour.
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