Vicki Belo and Hayden Kho, Jr. spotted on "Dancing With The Stars" (Screen shot from YouTube) with Tom Bergeron host of the top rated TV show in US.
Here is the latest gossip from the Philippines. Evidently, Dr. Vicki Belo was seen with Hayden Kho in the front row of the Dancing with Stars ABC TV show. If you are reading this and you are a Filipino, and you have not heard of the Hayden Kho video scandal and Vicki Belo, you must living in another world.( For original article on this scandal and background read my 5/27/09 posting in this site). The two are the most "talk" May-December couple of the Decade in the Philippines. Incidentally, Hayden mother Irene hails from Marinduque and I have meet her in person several times during the last five years prior to the video sex scandal in the Philippines. Comments anyone?
Here's the article by Neil Ramos published in the May 20 issue of the Manila Bulletin
for your reading pleasure.
The on-off sweethearts Vicki Belo and Hayden Kho are together in the US for a “spiritual journey.”
In an interview aired a few days ago, Belo expressed elation that Kho was given a reprieve by the courts to undertake the trip.
"I've always wanted him to go on a spiritual journey. I’ve been encouraging him to do so for the longest time,” said she.
Recall that Kho is embroiled in a court case filed against him by actress Katrina Halili in relation to a controversial sex video of them that he made.
Although Halili’s lawyers had raised objection with the trek, noting that Kho is on “hold departure order,” Belo insists everything was done legally.
“The judges decided to let him [Kho] take the trip, since there would be no hearings for the whole month of May," she explained.
Kho echoed the same in a text message to the press: “Atty. Palad [Halili’s lawyer] was notified of the trip.”
As she is wont to do, the 54-year old “Doctor to the stars” is backing her beleaguered 29-year old lover all the way, going as far as to accompany Kho in his trip.
Belo and Kho were seen recently in LA as audience members in the set of the hit international reality series, “Dancing with the Stars.” Footage of that episode has been uploaded on the popular video-sharing website YouTube.
The sighting seemingly confirms what everybody has long suspected – that the two are back in each other’s arms.
A few months ago, Belo vowed to avoid seeing Kho, whom she said she has broken up with. “No texting, no calling, no seeing, zero anything,” she promised.
Belo swore to stick to the pledge until at least May 20, Kho’s birthday, but to no avail. Only a few weeks later after making public her resolve, she was seen together with Kho at the club, Encore, formerly known as Embassy. She also became a constant presence in Kho’s hearings.
Belo said she simply wanted to give Kho "moral support," which the latter very much appreciated.
In an interview Kho stated, “It feels good to have somebody continuously supporting you even though you made a mistake or that you’re going though something really tough. You feel thankful that somehow you still have a friend that will stick with you no matter what. It’s a rare thing to have especially nowadays.”
The disgraced Casanova added he is more secure whenever Belo is with him.
“I’m very confident especially [when] she’s around. I’m very confident that this will be over soon,” Kho said.
Despite her continued association with Kho, who was once rated in an SWS survey as among the most distrusted personalities in 2009, Belo—as with her business—still enjoys the trust of clients.
This much was proven recently with The Belo Medical Group being cited by Reader’s Digest as one of the country’s most trusted brands in 2010. The medical institution got the platinum award in the beauty clinic category.
Belo topped the survey conducted by the prestigious magazine, which identifies the brands that Asians trust across a range of consumer product categories. Brands that scored above their competitors received a gold award, while those with scores more than three times that of their competitor, were given the platinum award.
Simultaneous with the international recognition, Belo was also featured in the Asia Business Channel report, “The Philippine Advantage,” discussing medical tourism in the region.
Meanwhile, an insider has it that, after the short stint in LA, Belo and Kho will head out to Paris, France.
Kho should be back in the country by June 7 in time to appear in court.
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