Is this the sign to Dildo, Florida, USA or to Dildo, Newfoundland, Canada?
In my last week posting, I was asking if anyone knows a place named "Dildo" either in US or other parts of the world. After a few minutes of web search, I found two places named "Dildo" spelled in the same way as the sex toy. One is in the US in Monroe County, Florida and the other is in Newfoundland, Canada. There is more information on the Dildo of Canada than the one in US. The following is information on the Canadian town.
"Located in Upper Trinity South, Dildo is a very historic place for Newfoundland tourism. Dildo was settled in the early 1800's by Reids, Prettys, and Smiths. During the 1990's, these names were still predominant names in the community. Every summer Dildo sponsors Dildo Days which is a community celebration and a Newfoundland tourism destination.
In 1889 a permanent fisheries commission was set up for the Colony and a fishery was established on Dildo Island under the direction of A. Neilson, Superintendent of the Fisheries. This hatchery was one of the most modern and largest of its type in the world, and was designed to hatch between two million and three million cod in a season. A spawning pond was added in 1891 and a 5.5 m high wind mill to provided the power to pump sea water into the pond.
In the Twentieth Century Dildo was a flourishing whaling centre until the ban on whaling in the early 1970's brought this industry to a close. Now conservation of whales is a major concern. The closing of the whaling industry also had an effect on the mink ranches because it depended on whale meat as a cheap source of food. In 1955 an entire mink farm was transported from Lester Island, near Vancouver, to Dildo but in the late 1960' rising feed prices forced the ranches to close. Dildo has changed a lot since the 1800's mainly because of its economic growth. There are a lot more businesses and resources that have been created and up-dated since this time. There are 2 stores in Dildo and there is another little store that should be open in the next month or two. There are about four or five people in Dildo who have started their own businesses which continue to grow.
Even though Dildo doesn't have a town council it still has many resources and regarded for its activities. Dildo has it's own swimming pool, an S.U.F. lodge, and Lions Center. Every year Dildo celebrates Canada Day and our own Traditional Dildo Days. These events are held on the swimming pool grounds where there are many activities, such as games, swimming, hot dogs, cold plates, and much more. As you can see Dildo is a very historic and traditional community".
Note: I still do not want to live in a place with the same name as a sex toy!
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