My son when he was still working for a US consulting company stayed in this hotel for one night. He can not believe what he saw and this was an experience he will never forget in his life. Luckily the hotel bill was paid by the company. Today, he is working for the Federal government and will never had a chance to repeat that experience. The closest experience he will have will probably be a vacation at Bellarocca Resort and Spa in Marindique-a six star hotel.
Anyway, If I win the lottery, I may be tempted to stay for one night just to say, I was there. Here's a video, describing the amenities of the hotel.
Construction of Burj Al Arab began in 1994. It was built to resemble the sail of a dhow, a type of Arabian vessel. Two "wings" spread in a V to form a vast "mast", while the space between them is enclosed in a massive atrium. The architect Tom Wright said "The client wanted a building that would become an iconic or symbolic statement for Dubai; this is very similar to Sydney with its Opera House, or Paris with the Eiffel Tower. It needed to be a building that would become synonymous with the name of the country."
The architect and engineering consultant for the project was Atkins, the United Kingdom's largest multidisciplinary consultancy. The hotel was built by South African construction contractor Murray & Roberts.
In its relatively short tenure on the Dubai coastline this legendary and symbolic hotel has attracted international attention and awe, ensuring its place as one of the most photographed structures in the world, and consistently voted the worlds most luxurious hotel. Designed to resemble a billowing sail, Burj Al Arab soars to a height of 321 metres, dominating the Dubai skyline. Illuminated at night by choreographed lighting representing water and fire – Burj Al Arab is simply individual, inspired, impressive.

Wikipedia however rated this hotel as a 5 star hotel. So, is it a 7 star or a 5 star hotel?
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