My son David E. III spent his 4 weeks of vacation here with us at Chateau Du Mer. He was able to attend his first cousin's wedding last January. He did enjoyed the company of his relatives and other cousins. He was also able to participate the whole week of MI. Inc Medical Mission of Love. He joined the Statistical team with Marita Jao( Indiana) and Lito Quiazon ( Vancouver). He was also able to join us for our post mission R & R at the five-star Bellarocca Resort in Buenavista. He played golf for two days during our stay and he was in high heavens. We also brought him to the Marinduque Hot Springs in Buenavista. We treated him to MDQ top two restaurants-Barbarosa and Curva Grill. The rest of his time, he spent swimming and snorkeling in our front yard. Above are some of the photos of the sunset I took from the balcony of the beach house. David had a grand time and plan to visit Marinduque again in 3 years. Happy trip back to US, David!
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