I like this video because of the flowers in the background. Please note that at about 3.40 minutes of the video is a picture of a blue rose that reminds me of my rose garden at the Chateau Du Mer Beach Resort in Boac, Marinduque, Philippines.
It is time to enjoy a religious music for this coming Christmas season. One of my favorite classical piece is Ave Maria by Schubert. As you know this is the most popular Ave Maria composition. There are several other Ave Maria composed by other composers. The two popular versions are known as the Bach/Gounod and Schubert/Liszt version. Ave Maria is based on a Roman Catholic prayer ("Hail Mary" in Latin)
Schubert's "Ave Maria" is also called "Ellens dritter Gesang" or "Ellen's Third Song". Schubert decided to forego the traditional text and use a German translation of a Sir Walter Scott poem "The Lady of the Lake". It's often sung with the traditional Latin text but that was added by others. Schubert wrote his song for voice and piano, and Liszt who was a pianist and composer, transcribed a piano version.
The Bach-Gounod version is another instance of one composer using the work of another to create his own "version"--sort of. The two composers, J.S. Bach and Charles Gounod never worked together on creating this popular "Ave Maria". Bach died years before Gounod was even born.
Bach had written something called "The Well-Tempered Clavier" in which including "Prelude No. 1 in C Major". Gounod wrote a melody over that prelude and used the traditional prayer as the lyric.
My wife's favorite Ave Maria piece was composed by Santiago a Filipino composer. The melody of this piece is much harder than the above two versions. Other Ave Maria pieces have been composed by Brahms and Verdi and a few other composers of the world.
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