Yesterday after eating our Turkey Easter early dinner at 2PM, Macrine decided to watch a movie “The Greatest Story Ever Told ( Life of Christ)”. While she was watching I was in my computer in the next room. I thought every thing was fine. Without any warning at about 4:30PM, I heard Macrine scream. I immediately run into the kitchen. Macrine lost her balance and was on the floor on her back. She told me she has a swell on her head. I felt it, inspected it and luckily there was no wound and blood.
After a few minutes, I helped her stand up and then sat down. I prepared an ice-cold compressed and apply it in the swelling on her head about the size of a walnut. In the meantime, I started calling the Urgent Care clinic ( a couple of blocks from our House) and informed them what happened. The Urgent Care personnel suggested I call the Emergency Room instead. I did and they told me to bring her right away if I could drive or call an ambulance if I can not.
We arrived at the emergency room of the Mercy San Juan Medical Center in Carmichael at about 5PM. There were more than 80 people in the waiting area. The crowd was overflowing. This reminded me of the emergency room of one of the public hospitals in Chicago way back in the 1960's. Note that Mercy San Juan is a private hospital owned by Dignity Health- the biggest health care provider in California.
We were able to register in 5 minutes. Macrine's vital was taken and to our surprised her blood pressure was very high. The admission clerk asked me if she is taking any high blood pressure medications. The examining nurse informed us, they will take a CAT scan on her head and then we can wait for the results. After about ten minutes her name was called. A transfer clerk wheeled her to the CAT scan room. It took another 10 minutes for the completion of the task. Macrine was wheeled back to the waiting room.
I looked at the clock. It was already 6:30PM. In the meantime emergency room patients of all ages ( including crying babies and handicapped adults) come and go. The place was busy as a marketplace during a Flea Market event. We patiently continue waiting. At 6:45PM, Macrine's named was called for Chest X'ray. She was backed in the waiting room by 7PM.
Fifteen minutes later we were called to Window #1. In this window all the paper work are done, insurance forms, etc... It took another 20 minutes to complete the paper work. I asked the chief nurse, how long will we have to wait to get the results of the scan. He said at least one hour more if we are lucky since this is a busy night. I asked him if we could just get the results the next day via our personal physician. He answered it is up to us to make that decision. By then it was 8PM
Macrine was getting hungry and her night medication is due in 30 minutes. We decided to go home. Today I am waiting for our doctor's office to open.
Macrine woke up this morning still aching a little bit. The swelling on her head was gone. I took her blood pressure and it was normal. I have to give her Tylenol to relieve the pain on her back and neck area.
I just finished calling our doctor's office. Our doctor will call the emergency room today and will call us back later today for the results. I hope everything is fine. Macrine appeared to be OK, just complaining of minor aches and pains. I give her pain medication and hope for the best.
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