Welcome to Las Vegas, Nevada- the Gambling Capital of US and the City that never sleeps! So, what has this city have to do with this site. The answer is none. I just love the photo, I took during our vacation to this city a couple of years ago. In this site, you will find articles from my autobiography, global warming, senior citizens issues, tourism, politics in PI, music appreciation and articles about our current experiences as retirees enjoying the "snow bird" lifestyle between US and the Philippines. Your comments will be highly appreciated. Some of the photos and videos on this site, I do not own. However, I have no intention on infringement of your copyrights. Cheers!

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Sixty Common Latin Terms You Should Know

 I was reading my FaceBook page today. I found this posting interesting since, sometimes I used some of the Latin Phrases in my writings.  Here are the top 60 common Latin terms. I know the meaning💚 of all of them, since I took Latin 1 and 2 Courses during my first year Pre-Med College Years in the Philippines. Do you know all of them? If so, I salute you! ( 💚Except #60).  My Favorites phrases/terms are Numbers #7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 20, 26, 29, 33, 34, 40, 44, 53 and 58. 

Meanwhile, Have you studied Latin Declension ?  I have and it is one of the most confusing lessons in my college years! Latin declension is the set of patterns according to which Latin words are declined—that is, have their endings altered to show grammatical casenumber and gender

Nouns, pronouns, and adjectives are declined (verbs are conjugated), and a given pattern is called a declension. There are five declensions, which are numbered and grouped by ending and grammatical gender. Each noun follows one of the five declensions, but some irregular nouns have exceptions.

Lastly, Does Trump and Musk Know what they are Doing to Us?

“Pater, dimitte illis, non enim sciunt quid faciunt.”
Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing.

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