Welcome to Las Vegas, Nevada- the Gambling Capital of US and the City that never sleeps! So, what has this city have to do with this site. The answer is none. I just love the photo, I took during our vacation to this city a couple of years ago. In this site, you will find articles from my autobiography, global warming, senior citizens issues, tourism, politics in PI, music appreciation and articles about our current experiences as retirees enjoying the "snow bird" lifestyle between US and the Philippines. Your comments will be highly appreciated. Some of the photos and videos on this site, I do not own. However, I have no intention on infringement of your copyrights. Cheers!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Nutritional Supplement for Diabetics-My ABC Shake

My wife is taking a nutritional supplement for diabetics as prescribed by her doctor called Glucerna. This is similar to Ensure, but formulated for those who have diabetes. You could purchase Glucerna Shake in any store either in Vanilla or Chocolate flavor. It will cost you around $9.99 to $11.99 for a 6-pack 8 oz bottles depending on the store.

Today, my sister in law sent me a recipe for a homemade nutritional supplement, she called it the ABC Smoothie or Shake. A is for apple, B is for Bitter melon( ampalaya) and C for Cucumber or Carrots. Here's a very simple recipe. One Bitter Melon or Ampalaya (large size), One cucumber ( large) and One apple, yellow delicious ( large). Two carrots if you don't like cucumber. Blend all in the blender. Add water, the amount will depend in how you like the consistency of the shake. The shake taste good but a slight bitter taste because of the ampalaya. The bitter taste ingredient in the Ampalaya is known to lower blood sugar.

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